Trying to...

Trying to get this new website running and organized and figured out. Using this Squarespace-thing that I kept hearing about on all the Earwolf podcasts. Which I'm pretty obsessed with as of late. Had been listening to "How Did This Get Made?" for a couple years now and yeah, it rules. But then I ran out of episodes. So I moved on to the "Fogelnest Files." Blew thru those! Now I'm loving "Andy Daly's Podcast Pilot Project" which is nothing but utter brilliance. Anyway, enough of me blabbing about podcasts... What I'm trying to say, is that after you've already built websites with handwritten HTML and various website software, it turns out Squarespace is rather limiting. BUT! Now that I'm settling into it, I must admit, it's gonna make doing updates and adding new pieces so much easier. 'Specially since I don't own any web design software anymore...

Stay tuned and check back. I've started a BLOG!!!